If you are interested in building muscle, strength and improving your fitness level read on.

In this discussion we will be talking about muscular endurance. We value your time so this discussion will be broken down to the most important parts of this topic.
What is muscle endurance?
Why is developing muscle endurance important?
The difference between muscular and cardiovascular endurance.
Training for muscle endurance

What is Muscle Endurance
The ability to perform a single or variety of movement patterns for an extended period of time with good technique and a steady tempo. This type of training is vital for building muscle, strength and improving your fitness level. For example testing how many times you can do a squat, lunge or push-up in one set or for a minute can be a baseline for how well you can perform that movement over time.
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends muscular endurance testing as well as muscular strength testing when you start a program of strength training. The results will help set the right intensity and loads for your exercises.
The Difference Between Muscular and Cardiovascular Endurance
Muscular Endurance
Weightlifting, strength training, functional fitness or even crossfit has the ability to develop your muscular endurance. By training a muscle or muscle group to perform a movement pattern for an extended period of time. Usually that time frame is between 30 seconds to 2 minutes before rest. Generally while performing this type of exercise, it is recommended to use resistance 50% or less of your 1RM. Now there is no single way to train muscle endurance but here we will set up some guidelines that will help you track and measure your progress.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Also known as cardio-respiratory endurance, with endurance training type, the body becomes better able to produce ATP through aerobic metabolism. The cardiorespiratory system and aerobic energy systems become more efficient at delivering oxygen to the working muscles and converting carbohydrate and fat to energy.
Training For Muscular Endurance
Simple and Effective Method: 5 exercises 2 muscle groups 3 rounds Intervals 30 seconds to 2 minutes of work and 15 seconds of rest between each exercise 90 second rest between each round. Practical Recommendations Count your repetitions for each exercise to track your progress. Be sure to perform each exercise at a steady pace and with good technique. If you break technique, rest to ensure your form is correct. Count how many time you stop to add to your progress report.